Best Build Kimmy New Pahlawan Marksman Mage Mobile Legends

The new pahlawan legends are still waiting for their turn to be present at the origin server. Like Kimmy, the pahlawan has the role of marksman / mage. If we see Kimmy's face, it will be interested in using this hero. Kimmy is one of the marksman / mage heroes who has a beautiful face, Kimmy also looks cute but also powerful. It can be conclude from the skills that Kimmy has unique and over powered.

The first experience using a Kimmy pahlawan can be very impressive for some people. Why can it be memorable? Because Kimmy is a pahlawan who has very unique skills. Passive skill, Kimmy will release bubbles continuously. The first skill, Kimmy will issue bubbles but more dense, this skill resembles Chang'e's skill. Second Skill, Kimmy will spray liquid in the specified direction. Third skill, ultimate kimmy skills resemble lesley's skills, but Kimmy can only use once.
kimmy new pahlawan marskman/mage
Kimmy is included in the ranks of heroes that are difficult to use. Is it still an adjustment period? For the first time using Kimmy, when using the first skill and second skill, I found it very difficult to focus on the target. Kimmy's attack is a straight line attack not chasing opponents. Besides, when using skills, Kimmy can only face the side. When Kimmy uses the second skill of spraying liquid, Kimmy can't change the direction. The way to change direction is to cancel the skill then use the second skill again then the new sasaran and direction will change.

Skills Kimmy New Hero Marksman Mage Mobile Legends

  1. Chemist's intinct - passive - Kimmy obsessed with chemical creation. She can aim at other direction and move when use her skill but is often less accurate. All the buffs on att speed will be convert to movement speed buff for kimmy
  2. Energy transformation - She mixes substances in her coalescer shoot out chemical balss. Each chemical ball deal 15 magic damage include 60% total physical atk and 60% total magic power. If kimmy fails hit target, bubble balss explode upon travelling for a certain distance to deal 15 magic damage include 60% total physical atk and 60% total magic power.
  3. Chemical refinement - She enhances her chemical att by creating a new kind of mixture. Each  refined blast deal 14 magic damage include 50% total physical atk and 70% total magic damage. This skill can make sasaran slows 20%. Target become immobilized for 1.2 second if they slowed by this att four times.
  4. Maximun charge - She channels powerfull fire magic into her rifle to maximize it output pressure, creating luminous chemical att. She's luminescent att travel a certain distance, 238 magic damage include 180% total physical atk and 210% total magic power and 198 magic damage include 150% total physical atk and 170% total magic power to nearby target.
Best Equipment For Kimmy
equipment for kimmy 1
Arcane Boots
Holy Crystal
Soul Scroll
Concentrated Energy
Feather Of Heaven
Blood Wings
equipment for kimmy 2
Haas's Claws
Swift Boots
Malefic Roar
Berserker's Fury
Rose Gold Meteor
equipment for kimmy 3
Glowing Wand
Arcane Boots
Feather Of Heaven
Concentrated Energy
Devil Tears
Blood Wings
To be a pure role for marskman you can use equipment for Kimmy 2 and if you want to choose pure mage equipment then you can try 1 and 3.

Best Spells For Kimmy
best spell for kimmy
pahlawan with the role of mage or marksman I prefer to use spells flicker. Because these spells will help us to adjust our position to stay safe from the range of the opponent's attack.

Best Emblem For Kimmy
emblem for kimmy
Using a Markman Emblem I highly recommend if your goal is to be more focused. But you still have nothing wrong to try mage or magical emblems. This emblem is very influential in a match, sometimes it doesn't feel how big the effect is. But if you are used to trying a few emblems, you will feel how far the difference between the emblem is mage, magical or marksman. Make sure you have to adjust your game style, when you decide to choose an emblem

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